This year, the Annecy Festival paid tribute to Portuguese animation. Students from French animation school Gobelins created short animations to celebrate the country. These short...
It’s a long tradition (almost 50 years!). Every year, animation students from French animation school Gobelins Paris create very short films that are showcased at...
Hear ye, hear ye! Listen to the tale of Gerror, a valiant monster obsessed by humans, those mythical creatures supposedly hidden in the shadows. They...
Vincent Pistien, Armand Goxe, Florian De Chelle, Marine Corbineau, Alexis Maurice, Tom Rameaux, Valentin Giuili have released Gloire Amère 40000, their thesis short film (Gobelins,...
Denise Cirone, Sebastian Doringer, Andrey Kolesov , Chiayu Liu, Zhen Tian, Lan Zhou have released Go Fishboy, their thesis short film at Gobelins (class of...
French animation school Gobelins just unveiled the first short from the class of 2022. Here is Last Summer, by Gobelinsnicola Bernardi, Alessandra De Stefano, Gabriela...