Watch Pirate Fair, a student short film from French digital arts school ESMA (class of 2023). It follows three pirates facing an unexpected challenge: Three...
Jorge R. Gutierrez, the writer, animator and director known among other things for El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera, the animated film The Book...
At SIGGRAPH 2024, we did a short interview of Victoria Leviaux andFlorian Gomes Freitas, two of the co-directors behind the animated short film After Grandpa...
Last week, we had the opportunity to discover the graduation films created by animation students at 3iS. The presentations took place with both the Paris...
Last May, we discussed the animated short film Ouroboros, the first short film directed by students in their fifth year at Creative Seeds School. It...
This year, the Annecy Festival paid tribute to Portuguese animation. Students from French animation school Gobelins created short animations to celebrate the country. These short...
Sarah Blaya, Nicolas Bunet, Amélie Gallego, Anouk Martin, Shana Paquet, Roxane Plays, Kimberley Soter, and India Taburet, unveil Harmony, their thesis short film at French...