Watch A Beautiful Summer Night, an animated short film creeated by students of French digital arts school Ecole des Nouvelles Images.This thesis short film (class...
Marianne Bergeonneau, Lauriane Montpert, Mélina Mandon, Cloé Peyrebrune, Elvira Taussac unveil Wet, their thesis short film (Ecole des Nouvelles Images, class of 2021). Wet is...
The Annecy Festival celebrates the new year and unveils a series of short animations.They were created by third year students from French animation schoolEcole des...
Solène Bosseboeuf, Flore Dechorgnat, Tiphaine Klein, Auguste Lefort, Antoine Rossi just unveiled Kayak, their student short film (French school Ecole des Nouvelles Images, class of...
This Friday, French animation school Ecole des Nouvelles Images will showcase their latest graduation short films, created by teams of 5 to 6 students, in...
Ninon Dodemant, Solène Michel, Baptiste Leclerc, Anouk Segura-Diaz, Justine Parasote, and Charlotte Chouisnard, unveiled their thesis short film from French animation school L’Ecole des Nouvelles...
Miguel Amendola Borrallo, Antonin Geral-Aries, Geoffrey Rakotoarisoa, Lucie Krencker, Yohan Gantelet, Clara Obeidi unveiled Dernier Acte, their thesis short film at the French School Ecole...
Marianna Crosetti, Minh-Tu Pham, Donghee Kim, Daphné Petier, Claire Ducluzeau, Aliénor Bouteloup De Vilers have unveiled their thesis short film created at Ecole des Nouvelles...
Zoé Berton-Bojko, Susana Covo Pérez, Guillaume Heussler, Yann Kacprzak and Margot Wiriath just unveiled Experiment, their thesis short film created at the Ecole des Nouvelles...
Flore Burban, Logan Cameron, Nicolas Diaz, Chloé Raimondo, Hugues Valin just unveiled their thesis short film (Ecole des Nouvelles Images – Class of 2019): Hot...