Sarah Blaya, Nicolas Bunet, Amélie Gallego, Anouk Martin, Shana Paquet, Roxane Plays, Kimberley Soter, and India Taburet, unveil Harmony, their thesis short film at French...
Watch Ça Décale, a French animated short film created by Piktura students (formerly Pôle 3D). Immerse yourself into “the kaleidoscope of a colorful party”, and...
Watch Silhouette, a graduation short film from French digital arts school ARTFX (class of 2023). The film follows Claire, a young woman who has just...
Watch A Beautiful Summer Night, an animated short film creeated by students of French digital arts school Ecole des Nouvelles Images.This thesis short film (class...
French Digital arts school ESMA unveils a new graduation short film from its 2022 class, which is now available online after touring festivals. It follows...
Paramount Pictures unveils a few clips from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. The animated feature was created by Mikros Animation Montréal & Paris, Cinesite...