Watch Apocalypse Dog, an animated short film created by Aziliz Le Clainche, Camille Nasarre, Jing Qian, Juliette Barraux, Emma Plumey, Lucile Arnaud, and Solène Cauchie...
Watch Galibot, a thesis short film from French animation school Supinfocom Rubika. Directed by Thomas Vandenbussche, Elise Petit, Ambre Grangereau, Emilie Cousin, Wan-Jing Yang, and...
Watch Synchrony (Synchronie Passagère), a short film from French digital arts school Rubika. Created back in 2022, it was nominated for the 50th Annie Awards...
French digital arts school Supinfocom Rubika unveils Orogenese, a thesis short film directed by Damien Barthas, Lise Delacroix, Emma Gaillien, Pierre Legargeant, Roland van Hollebeke,...