Tear Off
Accueil » Tear Off: a young bee facing a terrible threat (animated short film)

Tear Off: a young bee facing a terrible threat (animated short film)

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Watch Tear Off, an animated short film from French digital arts school Supinfocom Rubika.

A young bee must overcome its condition if it wants to survive the DESTRUCTIVE HORNET that has invaded its hive. This adventure reveals the dark side of a colony that seems utopian at first glance. The film also delves deeper into the world of bees, with a story highlighting the fear of the unknown, darkness, claustrophobia, driven by a macro camera that follows the character, in an alternative and frightening documented universe.

Directors: Clément Del Negro, Charlotte Fargier, Héloise Neveu, Camille Souchard, Nalini Bhasin, Mikko Petremand, and Matthias Bourgeuil.

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