Accueil » 3ds Max / Max Design 2015 : Service Pack 1 disponible

3ds Max / Max Design 2015 : Service Pack 1 disponible


Autodesk a publié le Service Pack 1 de 3ds Max et 3ds Max Design 2015. Ce Service Pack inclut une mise à jour de sécurité pour la vulnérabilité Heartbleed OpenSSL, et corrig une trentaine de bugs :

MAXX-16831     State Sets: Entering an invalid character in an file path would cause states to stop working.
MAXX-16830     State Sets: Camera tracking was using incorrect orientation.
MAXX-16819     State Sets: Render output retained keyboard focus after closing State Sets.
MAXX-16801     The Scanline renderer caused a program error when rendering with more than 32 processors. The program error is fixed but rendering is limited to no more than 32 processors.
MAXX-16799     An incorrect link to movies in the Welcome Screen for 3ds Max Design 2015 has been fixed.
MAXX-16771     A program error when loading specific scene types has been fixed.
MAXX-16645     Save As + and Increment On Save appended « _01 » to file names instead of incrementing the existing sequence number. This has been fixed.
MAXX-16640     In localized languages, changing the Custom UI And Defaults to a layout style other than DefaultUI caused an obsolete quad menu to display in the Scene Explorer.
MAXX-16639 and MAXX-1390     In localized languages, columns were missing from the Scene Explorer > Container Explorer dialog, and an error message appeared when resizing this dialog.
MAXX-16636     When using the Exchange Store, the appPackage for both 3ds Max 2014 and 3ds Max 2015 was not installing correctly.
MAXX-16629     Populate: Changing the height of a Seat would cause a character’s knees to shake.
MAXX-16616 and MAXX-16537     Localized Startup movies would not play.
MAXX-16569     Customer Error Report: A program error would occur when changing Layer names and then reopening the MAX file.
MAXX-16558     The calculation method of Chamfer modifier > Quad Chamfer has been corrected.
MAXX-16487     A program error would occur when creating two Expose Transform helpers.
MAXX-16408     A program error would occure when loading certain MAX scene files.
MAXX-16394     In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, closing a Scene Explorer > MassFX Explorer would cause a program error.
MAXX-16349     State Sets: Using the Token menu would add symbols that made the output path invalid.
MAXX-16334     When using XRef Scene and Inherited Containers in the same scene, the scene reference would be lost.
MAXX-16293     In Scene Explorer, adding a Display As Box column made objects invisible in Nitrous viewports.
MAXX-16284     State Sets: Right-click > Clone State Node was not working.
MAXX-16280     Populate would generate an error on closing 3ds Max.
MAXX-16265     Populate: Regenerate was not using the Appearance UI table in a newly open scene, and the Appearance UI > Reset button was not working.
MAXX-16264     The mCloth action table was causing an error.
MAXX-16259     In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, the Scene Explorer would show garbled characters.
MAXX-16232     iray renderer: Rendering Metallic Paint with a bitmap assigned as a color component would cause a program error.
MAXX-16219     iray renderer: The Autodesk Generic material would ignore assigned maps and render the object color only.
MAXX-16141     Performance is now improved when opening a Layer Explorer with more than 1000 layers.
MAXX-16045     Workspace Reset did not work on Workspace Scene Explorers.
MAXX-15970     Nitrous viewports were not showing map offsets.
MAXX-15969 and MAXX-15968     Nitrous viewports were not displaying multi-layer Composite maps correctly.
MAXX-15958     Customer Error Report: Changing the Material Editor renderer would cause a program error.
MAXX-13950     Populate: Loading a scene with Object-XRef’ed pedestrians would cause animation to be wrong.


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