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At Laval Virtual 2022, we met Avatar Medical, a company specialized in medical imagery. Their platform allows clinicians to view 3D patient representations in VR, based on regular medical images.
Avatar Medical provides a 3D vizualisation of patient avatars, as well as various tools: the ability to highlight specific structures (tumor, blood vessels, organs, etc.), rapid measurements, sectional views along any axis… Avatar Medical was created using Unity, but the team created their own volumetric renderer.
Avatar Medical is aimed at clinicians such as surgeons, but can also be used as an education tool. During Laval Virtual, we had the opportunity to try the platform by ourselves: Avatar Medical is quite intuitive and easy to use. It will be even even more intuitive for clinicians, who are already used to similar tools in 2D.
Avatar Medical is a spin-off from the Institut Pasteur and Institut Curie. The team is about 20 people strong, and is based in Paris, Boston, San Francisco. Avatar Medical is already available as a commercial product, and the company is also looking for new partners (for example in the implants manufacturers).
Here is a trailer showcasing Avatar Medical:
And here are two other examples (breast exploration and vascular exploration of a kidney aneurism):
For more information, you can check out the official Avatar Medical website. You can also ask for a free trial of the platform.