Accueil » FX reel : Vladimir Tkachenko

FX reel : Vladimir Tkachenko

Vladimir Tkachenko présente sa démoreel FX 2012, détaillant notamment son travail sur le film Tintin.

01. Fire simulations using Maya Fluids
02. Fire, smoke, embers using fluid and particle simulations
03. Interaction between ocean surface and boat
04. Interaction between ocean surface and boat, splash simulations
05. Water surface and character interaction, foam simulation
06. Water surface and boat interaction, splash and foam simulations
07. Magic trails and pixie dust simulations using Maya fluid and particles
08. Fluid smoke simulations
09. Particle dust and fluid smoke
10. Fluid smoke and particle embers simulations
11. Particle simulations
12. Glass debris simulations using particle instancing
13. Wax surface breaking using Maya ncloth engine


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