Paramount Animation, Nickelodeon & Point Grey Pictures present Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, an upcoming animated animated feature films about the most famous pizza-loving...
Watch A Way Home, an animated short film from French digital arts schoolESMA directed by Marie Pagès, Camille Machado, Agathe Joubert, Clélia Durris, Manon Rosello,...
French animation & VFX school ARTFX unveiled Quit Smoking. This thesis short film is directed by Apolline Bruere-Dawson, Manon Cavailles, Jean-Baptiste Demouge, Marie Jaselme, Sandra Pereira,...
Discover the works of Mauro Carraro. Born in Italy, he studied animation at French school MoPA (named Supinfocom Arles at the time). His graduation short...