Floating Rock Studio has unveiled a trailer to showcase their new IP: Kyōryū. A concept that blends post-apocalyptic Japan and prehistoric creatures. The team at...
Studio Ghibli, the famous Japanese animation studio, will become a subsidiary of Nippon Television Network Corp. The two companies announced that under their agreement, Nippon...
During the Paris Fan Festival, we met Yapiko Animation, an studio that aims to create a bridge between French and Japanese animation . Jean-Louis Vandestoc,...
Watch Miyuki, an animated short film from French digital arts school ESMA. It is inspired by japanese aesthetics and features an unusual origami… Miyuki, a...
Ubisoft has unveiled a new trailer for the Battle Pass 76S3 of their videogame For Honor, a medieval third person shooter developped by Ubisoft Montréal....
French Télévisions, French public national TV broadcaster, asked the director Geoffroy Barbet-Massin and Mikros MPC studio to create an ad to promote the upcoming Summer...