Floating Rock Studio has unveiled a trailer to showcase their new IP: Kyōryū. A concept that blends post-apocalyptic Japan and prehistoric creatures. The team at...
October 25, Netflix will unveil Life on our Planet, a documentary series produced by Steven Spielberg. Since the two seasons of Prehistoric Planet (produced by...
Apple TV+ just unveiled the latest trailer for the upcoming documentary series Prehistoric Planet, focused on dinosaurs. The team spared (almost) no expense: MPC is...
Swann Boby, Lucie Laudrin, Marion Métivier, Léna Miguet, Sixtine Sanrame, Marie Schaeffer unveil their thesis short film: Mésozoïque Alternatif (ESMA – class of 2021). Dinosaurs...
Florent Germain recently unveiled an impressing personnal project: a 3D printed velociraptor skeleton, which comes alive thanks to AR. Here is the result, followed by...