ShortsSwallow The Universe: a mind-boggling animated short film by NietoShadows1 September 20231 September 2023 by Shadows1 September 20231 September 20230315 Watch Swallow the Universe, an animated short film directed by Nieto. The grandiloquent blood-and-thunder saga of a young child lost in Manchuria’s deep jungles. His...
TV, streamingMush-Mush & the Mushables: here’s why this TV show is betting on Unreal Engine for season 2Shadows7 November 20227 November 2022 by Shadows7 November 20227 November 202202212 Created by Elfriede de Rooster and directed by Joeri Christiaen, Mush-Mush & the Mushables is a TV show aimed at kids aged 4 to 7,...