ShortsThe song of Rome: the burning truth behind the Great Fire of RomeShadows12 December 202312 December 2023 by Shadows12 December 202312 December 2023078 Watch Le Chant de Rome (The Song of Rome) an animated short film directed by Vincent Bertrand, Blandine Camus, Yoann Dano, Clémence Ellerbach, Rémi Frech,...
ShortsHeroes of Bronze: The Memory – 4 years of work to bring ancient Greece to life thanks to Blender!Shadows23 January 202323 January 2023 by Shadows23 January 202323 January 20230876 Martin Klekner has unveiled Heroes of Bronze: The Memory, an animated short film he’s been working on for the last 4 years. This film is...