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Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio: get behind the scenes!

This article is also available in: Français

Following our interview with MPC on Guillermo del Toro’s (you can watch it at the end of this article), here are a few pictures MPC sent us to give you a better idea of their work on this stop-motion feature film.

These visuals are a good opportunity to get a good look at the puppets/models, but also the impressive work done by MPC to enhance what was shot on set. MPC Toronto worked on the ocean, fire/rain/snow, skies and more! Overall, MPC Toronto worked on more than 650 shots from this show.

Credit: Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio / Netflix

Pinocchio par Guillermo del Toro

And here is our interview with supervisor Aaron Weintraub from MPC Toronto about Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio. The first 23 seconds are a short introduction in French (with subtitles), feel free to skip it if you wish! Aaron Weintraub tells us about the techniques used at MPC while working on this show.

(and don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel!)

00:00 – Introduction
00:23 – Interview
00:39 – How MPC got the job
01:08 – MPC, directors, studio
02:04 – GDT & Gustafson / VFX
03:39 – practical vs CGI
04:17 – visual references
04:47 – Fire sims
06:53 – Ocean & water sims
09:49 – seashore [SPOILERS] [SPOILERS]
10:40 – skies
14:28 – environments (Limbo, Dogfish)
16:46 – Covid & remote work
17:42 – crowds
19:04 – digi doubles, 3D scans
21:40 – weather, rain, snow
24:28 – rig removal, cleanup, “charm”
28:04 – animation on ones, twos
29:25 – recognition
30:25 – GDT – most memorable shot?
31:51 – Tron Legacy, Silent Hill

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