Accueil » Heatwave: a Vampire hiding from the burning sun (ARTFX short film)

Heatwave: a Vampire hiding from the burning sun (ARTFX short film)

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Here is a short film to warm you up before the weekend: Heatwave, from French digital arts school ARTFX.

During a merciless heat wave, Theodore, a lonely and bitter vampire, tries unsuccessfully to cool off. Eventually, he makes a radical decision to end his duel with the sun.

Don’t forget to watch the making-of! Just after the end credits (at the 6’03” mark) the team explains how the created the short film, both from an artistic and technical perspective.

Directors: Eloise Boulain, Tristan Broquier, Noemie Dallem, Enora Lecomte, Coralie Quartino, Thisbe Touraton.

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