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Day two at the Annecy Festival for the team!
On Monday, June; we attended three conferences at the “Carrefour Association” (associative hub), an event taking place during the Festival with several French associations and unions: Les Intervalles, TeamAnim, SPIAC-CGT (Syndicate of Professionals of the Audiovisual and Cinema Industries CGT), Cellofan’, SNTPCT, OVAC, and CNT, among others.
On the agenda: the challenges of finding internships or jobs in the current context, diversity in studios, and the impact of generative AI.
We were able to film the conferences, which will be posted on our YouTube channel. Do note that these are in French. However, interviews in English from Annecy are coming soon as well.
Another highlight of the day, behind the scenes: setting up the MIFA booths! MIFA opens its doors on Tuesday morning, June 11.
Let’s also remind you that 3DVF will have a shared booth with our partner Progiss, on the upper level of the exhibition floor (A.36).