Build Kit
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Build Kit pour Maya passe en version 2

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Erik Kehmann, senior modeler chez Scanline VFX, lance la version 2 de son Build Kit pour Maya : un ensemble d’outils de sélection, mesh, layout, import, export, curves destinés à accélérer le travail quotidien des artistes.

Depuis la version 1.0, l’outil a gagné de nombreuses fonctionnalités et améliorations, que nous vous invitons à découvrir ci-dessous. Si vous ne connaissiez pas Build Kit, vous trouverez également plus bas une présentation globale de la version 1.
Payant, Build Kit 2.0 est disponible sur Gumroad. Une documentation est proposée en ligne.

New Radial Duplicator
Updated Quad Fill: Now only requires a single edge input
New Instance support (for Mirror, Place, Paint, Duplicator, Snap, Radial)
New Convert Instances
Updated Advanced Separate: supports maintaining object orientation
Updated Mirror: Supports Merge, Instance, Flip UVs
New Merge Border Vertices
Updated Modify Pivot: Switched to Min / Max style to reach object’s center and corner points
Updated 45 Angle: Only requires a single edge input, when the border loop is not filled
New Transform Randomizer
New Lock and Unlock nodes
Updated Select by Topology: Added Stray Vertices, Hard Edges, Overlap and Check All
Updated Select by Percentage: Now works with components
Updated Select by Name: Supports wildcards
Updated Select by Type and Status: Easily find Locked and Invisible nodes
New Selection Sets / Quick Set
New Select by Pattern: Works with Vertices, Edges and Faces
Updated Place: now works with groups and supports instances
Updated Paint: now works with groups and supports instances
Updated Duplicator: supports instances
New Snap – objects and groups to selected components
New Batch Import Maya .ma and .mb files
New Batch Export Maya .ma and .mb files
New Obj Fix: export / re-import as obj to clean up your mesh, maintaining hierarchy position and shader
New Curve Tool – Rebuild Curve by length
New Curve Tool – Set pivot to curve origin
New Curve Tool – Snap curve origin to surface
New Curve Tool – Reverse direction and Equalize curve direction
New Curve Tool – Select point range
New Curve Tool – Convert multiple edges or edge groups to curves
New Curve Tool – Curve Analysis
New Curve Tool – Extruder: Convert curves to geometry, in Maya 2022: Presets for Cable, Rope, Pipe, Box
Updated Interface and icons
Updated Available Keyboard Shortcuts
Enhanced Performance and speed of some functions

1 commentaire

kin4n 3 mars 2022 at 12 h 47 min

toujours excellent

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