Accueil » Phantom Limb, par Alex Grigg

Phantom Limb, par Alex Grigg

Phantom Limb

Alex Grigg dévoile Phantom Limb, court qui met en scène un jeune couple. Suite à un accident, il leur faudra gérer les problèmes de membres fantômes, autrement dit l’impression qu’un membre amputé est toujours présent. Des sensations qui, bien souvent, sont douloureuses.

Crédits : | | |

Phantom Limb is my contribution to Late Night Work Club first anthology- Ghost Stories.

Making of —
For the most part It was me making this little fella, but I did get loads of late night help from the exceptionally talented friends in the credits below. Please find them, follow them, love them. They are all brilliant-
Written Directed and Animated by Alex Grigg
Additional Animation By Alexis Sudgen, James Hatley, Jean-Gui Culot, Jarrod Prince, Bill Northcott,
Backgrounds by Colin Bigelow with German Casado, Jason Pamment, Alex Grigg, Bjorn-Erik Aschim
Sound Design & Audio by Oswald Skillbard
Music Written and Performed by Kirsty Tickle and Jonathan Boulet,
Doctor Voiced by Clifford Hume,
Martha Voiced by Sarah Jones,
Compositing by – Ryan Kirby, Alex Grigg, Scott Benson
Digital Ink and Paint by – Rimon Bar, Alexis Sudgen, Jasper Parker Trenfield
Special Thanks-
Rosie Afford, Jake Armstrong, Greg Sharp, Ben Leon, Scott Benson, Bruce and Bronwyn Grigg,
Produced for Late Night Work Club
(c) Alex Grigg- 2013
