Accueil » Stéphane Paccolat : démoreel généraliste 2013

Stéphane Paccolat : démoreel généraliste 2013

Stéphane Paccolat, qui vient de terminer son année à Supinfocom, présente sa démoreel. Il cherche actuellement un poste.

Breakdown :

1. Dobby Zombie. Texturing and shading exercise done with Mari, Photoshop, Zbrush and Vray. Compositing was done in After Effects. My aim was to get a good understanding of non-destructiv pipeline and how maps work in the SSS shader.

2. Home Sweet Home. My graduation movie. I was in charge of the story-telling, layout, props modeling, part of the story-board, part of the animation and I optimised some shot for the rendering in Vray. I loved working in a team of 4 people :). Animation was done in Maya, modeling and rendering in Vray.

3. La tartine. 4th grade project. I did everything but the animation and some of the modeling. I used Zbrush and 3ds Max for modeling. Texturing was done in Zbrush and Photoshop, shading,lighting and rendering was in Vray. Compositing was done in After Effects. We interviewed chief Rabanel and made an animated « documentary ».

4.1Fr la gaufre. 3rd grade project. I did everything. The theme of the year was the fair. It was my first short movie. Rendering had to be done with 3Ds max scanline, GI bounces had to be faked for short rendering times. Compositing was done in After Effects.


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