Accueil » Court : Blind

Court : Blind

Yukihiro Shoda réalise Blind, court nous plongeant dans un Tokyo post-nucléaire inquiétant… Un jeune cadre effectue son trajet quotidien, mais celui-ci va prendre une tournure résolument surréaliste.
Des effets visuels sobres, au service du court.

La référence aux évènements récents est évidente, et la démarche était d’ailleurs assumée dès le départ. Le projet avait en effet été présenté sur Kickstarter, site de financement collectif (un ensemble de projet est présenté, avec budget et date limite : les internautes peuvent faire une promesse de don, qui ne sera débité que si le montant nécessaire, défini par les auteurs du projet, est atteint via ces dons avant la date limite).
Voici le texte qui avait été proposé comme pitch :

Our film imagines a parallel-universe version of Japan which also suffered a nuclear crisis but was less lucky than its real world counterpart. It’s a place where fallout readings are a part of the weather forecast and gas masks are as ubiquitous as black suits and Gucci bags.

We want the piece to reflect a surreal quality that life in the city has acquired since the disaster, a kind of low-current tension of daily routines heightened by the hidden threat of radiation. A gas mask seems like the perfect way to make that fear visible without being over-dramatic.

What would it be like to see the world from the claustrophobic intimacy behind a faceplate? In our protagonist’s morning commute through Tokyo, the masks are mundane, a minor inconvenience that is almost comical, but at the same time an unsettling sign of a lurking menace.

Even as we ready this project, Tokyo is still being rocked by aftershocks. At the same time the news from Fukushima reminds us that Japan’s coastline is peppered with some 54 nuclear reactors sitting on what is basically a heaving fault-line. While this is not an advocacy piece, we hope the film will give people pause to consider the potential costs.

With the help of about 30 people, we have already shot most of the footage in Tokyo and need funds to cover those costs and for post-production.

Thank you for your support and please join us to make this happen!!

Site officiel :

Via ItsArtMag.


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