En complément de l’annonce du lancement de MARI 3, qui listait les nouveautés, voici un tour d’horizon de ces dernières en vidéo.
MARI 3: MODO Bake and Render Integration from The Foundry on Vimeo.
MARI 3: Session Scripts from The Foundry on Vimeo.
MARI 3: Enhanced Texture Transfer from The Foundry on Vimeo.
MARI 3: OpenSubDiv Support from The Foundry on Vimeo.
MARI 3: New Shader Support from The Foundry on Vimeo.
MARI 3: Node Graph & Custom Group Nodes (Gizmos) from The Foundry on Vimeo.
MARI 3: FBX Geometry Support & Entity Locators from The Foundry on Vimeo.
MARI 3: Colorspace Support from The Foundry on Vimeo.