Braid Art Labs aura pris son temps. Alors que son logiciel de modélisation généraliste Groboto est disponible sous Mac depuis mars, l’éditeur vient d’annoncer le lancement de la version Windows.
Auparavant essentiellement axé sur la modélisation organique, le modeleur booléen Groboto V3 se voit doté d’outils élargissant son usage. La V3 dispose de la modélisation et édition booléennes en temps réel, le tout en utilisant des primitives mathématiques et non des meshes : le résultat est donc parfaitement propre.
D’autres innovations sont présentes, notamment pour l’export OBJ :
– Real-Time Boolean Modeling and Editing in a Clean, Fully Rendered Workspace. True Primitives are used (not meshes), resulting in unparalleled complexity and subtlety of form.
– Flex Tools that allow broad ‘range-of-influence’ editing of complex arrangements of Primitives and Booleans.
– Intelligent, Snap, Align, Duplicate and Transform options that allow one to work naturally with the primitive forms keying on their innate properties and interrelationship.
– Fully Automatic Mesh Generation. All (or any subset) of GroBoto’s Geometry is combined into a single, unified mesh ‘shell’ . All Boolean trims and intersections are tracked with ultimate precision and converted into our ‘SeamNet’ mesh.
– Mesh Density Control – locally and globally. True, procedural geometry means that meshes can be easily and automatically regenerated at different densities.
– OBJ Mesh Export includes all the precision Seams (multi-row edge loops) as well as special UVs for selecting/masking/manipulating the elegantly structured elements of the model in other 3D apps.