Le collectif français BRVTVS (Thibaud Clergue, Aurélien Duhayon Sébastien Iglesias et Camille Perrin) présente son court-métrage Horde.
Le studio Machine Molle a hébergé la production, deux mois durant.
Crédits :
Thibaud Clergue – thy-works.blogspot.com
Aurélien Duhayon – aurel.the.portfolio.over-blog.com
Sébastien Iglesias – sebastien-iglesias.tumblr.com
Camille Perrin – camilleperrin.fr
Music by Lionel Flairs for Hit’n’Run – wearehitnrun.com
Sound design by Florian Calmer – hypnago.com
Mixing by Benoit Rault and Florian Calmer
We used LH Auto Rig 1.0 created by Ludovic Habas for the characters’ rigging – cg-animation.com
Facial and motorcycles riggings were done by Lucas Morandi – fr.linkedin.com/pub/lucas-morandi/53/9a3/2b9
This project was able to see the light of day thanks to Armand Béraud and Machine Molle, who kindly hosted us for two months – machinemolle.com
Follow us on Facebook – facebook.com/brutuscollective